
antisite defect中文什么意思

发音:   用"antisite defect"造句
  • 反位缺陷
  • defect:    vi. 叛变;逃走。 He defected to th ...
  • antisite:    反位
  • defect:    n. 1.缺陷,缺点,弱点;短处。 2.不足,缺乏。 have some defect in eyesight 目力不佳。 have the defects of one's qualities 美中不足之处。 in defect of 若无…时;因无。 vi. 叛变;逃走。 He defected to the West. 他叛逃到西方。
  • in defect of:    缺少; 若无...时
  • no defect:    无缺陷的
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  1. Substrate slices of uniform electrical properties are necessary for integrated circuit device fabrication . at present there are variations in electrical properties across substrate slices . these are associate with deep levels , in particular el2 , which is generally attributed to antisite defect complexes and considered to be related to grown - in dislocations formed by thermal stresses
    研究证明, si - gaas衬底电学特性的不均匀与材料中深能级微缺陷,特别是el _ 2 (深能级施主,被认为是as的反位缺陷的复合体)有极大的关系,而这些深能级微缺陷又与热应力形成的长入位错有密切联系。




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